Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wow! Here we are a week into August already! Time flies so I must be having fun! Right?

At the coast we participated in the Coos Tribe's Salmon Ceremony. DH is Coos Indian. It's like a family reunion. Lots of cousins and shirt-tail relatives. It's hard to believe that my generation are the tribal elders now.

We brought our eldest grandson, Alex (8) home with us from the coast. He's been having a ball meeting the few neighbor kids we have and playing on the computer. It's a bit strange for G'pa and I to have someone here. We're so used to being alone and so quiet. Papa and brother, Tyler (4) are arriving today. I have to admit that I'll sure be relieved when they're all gone home!

Have made a pact with myself that I'm going to get my sewing room cleared up this next week. It's been neglected for waaay too long now and with all the added stash it's getting to look like a rats nest. I can't even make a space to work and that's really frustrating to me.

I haven't been getting much stitching done lately. This piece, Red, White & Blue by Cross-Eyed Cricket, I'm doing for the American Heros project. I haven't chosen a name to stitch on it yet, there are so many.

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Sewing machine