Besides running in and out of town for doctor's appointments our lives have been pretty dull lately. Perhaps it's just the let-down after my fabulous stitching week-end in Portland. Ah well, I've had plenty of time to stitch. If I could only tear myself away from this blasted computer.
Have any of you had experience with rechargable batteries? A few years ago DH bought me a lovely little pink camera. We purchased rechargable batteries and a charger. Lately the batts aren't holding the charge. Soooo... I'm using regular old 1.5 V batts. This camera is sucking the juice outta these babies like a kid with a juicebox. Any ideas? Do I need to buy new rechargables? Do I need a new charger? Do these things have a limited life span? I'm flumoxed!
Quilty Stuff:
Somebody cut some fabric a bit on the skinny side! (Who?) Then she thought she could fudge it and go on. (HA!) The squares weren't too bad. (double HA!) Once the body of the quilt top started to go together it looked wonky. (really bad!!) Frustration set in. Had to fold this puppy up and put it away for deconstruction at a later date or I was going to toss it in the dust bin. (now that would be a total waste of some beautiful fabric)
I'm praying my quilting mojo will come back soon as I really want to get on with the Postage Stamp Quilt.
Stitchy Stash: (didn't somebody say I was on a diet?)
Yes, I'm bad! Just coudn't pass up "Patchwork Puzzle Balls" by Jinny Beyer. These have intriguesd me and I HAVE to try them.
Also, I've won
S.P.Ink "Jesus Loves Me"
Stoney Creek "Home Repairs"
Waxing Moon Designs "My Needle And My Floss"
stitching GTG
Brightneedle Charted Designs "Key West Sampler"
Rosewood Manor a XS card chart without a name
Sweetbriar Needle Design "A Friend Knows"
Val's Stitchin' Stuff "here A Cat, There A Cat"
Waxing Moon Designs "Autumn Nap"
Acorns & Threads in Portland, OR
Little House Needleworks "Schoolgirl Lessons"
Simple Stitches "Don't Cross Me When I'm Stitchin'"
Simple Stitches "Just One More Stitch"
Sisters and Best Friends "Hollyhock Sampler - Strength"
Stitchy Stuff
It's repaired! We can open the door! I frogged a section of the door and placed the doorknob thingy on LHN's "The Library". Also the door arch is finished and I'm ready to stitch the birds.
While I was bummed about the frog's visit I pulled out a UFO and finished it! Here's Prairie Schooler's "Country Wise". This one I'm going to hang over my cutting board (check back at the quilty stuff).
Nice stitching